Pedro Torquemada Alonso – Socio Director 

Degree in Business and Economic Sciences from the University of Deusto. Postgraduate at Buckinghampshire College of Higher Education (UK)

Economist, Tax Advisor and Consultant specialized in national and international projects, strategic consulting, quality and entrepreneurship.

He has developed his professional work in various international consulting firms as a consultant, financial director and manager. In 2004 he founded the firm Torquemada Asesores, directly managing the firm from its inception and advising a multitude of companies and professionals in tax and financial matters, fundamentally. In addition, he has been a legal expert in business valuations, financial products, fees and taxes, and damage valuations for more than 14 years.



C/ Portal de Castilla, 6, bajo
01008 – VITORIA/GASTEIZ – Álava – España
Tlfs. + 34 945 13 58 05